8634 Highway 290 Commercial property for sale Location Map
SOLD!! But don’t worry you can search for other Commercial Real Estate In Fredericksburg here!
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Price: $1,595,000
Address: 8634 US Highway 290
City: Fredericksburg TX 78624
Lot size: 11 Acres
Restrictions: None
Zoning Outside City
Current use: Rentals and Flea Market
WHOPPERTUNITY: 11 acres of Commercial Real Estate located on Highway 290 East of Fredericksburg right in the heart of the Texas Hill Country Wine Trial , near the Wild Seed Farm , Trade Days and the new Brewery! This property offers over 30,000 square feet under roof which includes a flea market, antique shop, 15 small apartment/cabin rentals and storage buildings. This property is already making a good monthly income and has plenty of room to grow or to make your own mark with a wine tasting room or other business venture. With a good monthly cash flow already in place your imagination is the only limit. Owner finance available with 30% down, 30 year amortization, 5 year balloon! Now that is a whopper of an opportunity!
8634 Highway 290 Commercial property for sale Location Map
Do you have questions about 8634 Highway 290 Commercial property for sale in Fredericksburg TX? If so please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help. Or Email me at mike@mikestarks.com.
office (830) 990-8708
Cell (830) 456-3532
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Real Estate in Fredericksburg Texas – Homes, Acreage, Land, Commercial property and Ranches for sale. Search MLS listings here for Fredericksburg, Doss, Harper, Stonewall and all of Gillespie County. Mike Starks with RE/MAX Town & Country
The aerial map data showing property lines is approximate and should not be relied upon for the exact location of property lines. For exact property lines it is always best to rely upon a certified survey of the property.