This week I visited The Golden Hub senior center located at 1009 N Lincoln St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. The Hub focuses on the needs of seniors in our community by providing food, fun and fellowship!
The center got its start in 1975 with a small group of men and women who called themselves “The Happy Agers”. The following year they started the Meals on Wheels program to help feed local shut-ins. Over the years the group has had many names and worked out of many different buildings around town before settling into their current home on North Lincoln Street. The current name, The Golden Hub, was curtesy of Mrs. Baublitt who said she came up with the name because the different services and programs reminded her of a wagon wheel with the spokes shooting off into different directions, but still being connected with a central hub. Mrs. Baublitt also liked the “Golden” because it alluded to senior citizens enjoying their “golden years”.

Needless to say the Meals on Wheels program has grown to serve over 100 shut-ins PER DAY here in Gillespie County. Each recipient receives up to 5 nutritious meals, some are fresh and others are frozen and can be saved for dinner. That is a huge undertaking requiring a lot of help! There are many volunteers who come to cook, prep, deliver and fellowship with the Meals on Wheels recipients. Please consider volunteering; new faces are always welcome and help is always appreciated. Call 997-7131 for more information on how you can help!

For information on signing up a loved one for Meals on Wheels, contact our Meals on Wheels Coordinator at 830-997-7131 or stop by our Center at 1009 N. Lincoln. Payment for Meals on Wheels is not mandatory, but a confidential, voluntary donation is always appreciated.
Want to sponsor a senior? Click here to find out how!
Not only does the center deliver meals, they cook lunch every weekday! Seniors come to the center to share a meal, visit, and play games! There is a full schedule of activities each day of the week (except Saturday) that help people stay connected and engaged with each other. There are many different groups that meet such as quilting, mahjong, canasta, Spanish and German classes, painting, bingo, and many more groups to keep the fun going. There are also many different exercise classes to help keep everyone active! Pilates, step and stretch, and dance lessons are all offered.
If you are a senior, come on down and check out all the great activites going on throughout the week! You can have a meal, stay in shape, and make some new friends!
Not a senior? That’s ok! There are plenty of ways to get involved besides Meals on Wheels! You can volunteer to serve lunch, lead a small activity group, or participate in many of their yearly fundraisers!
The Golden Hub
1009 N Lincoln Street
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Office Hours:
8-5 Monday-Friday
DIRECTOR – Denise Usener
Where’s the WEB PAGE?
The Golden Hub’s website is
Is there transportation available for those of us that can’t drive to the center?
I am pretty sure they offer transportation but Im not sure how they set it up so I would suggest giving them a call to see. 1 830 997 7131